S2 Ep. 1 - A Heart-Centered Life with Ayurveda | Parnella Rayappan

In this episode, we have our first guest, Parnella Rayappan.

[ About Parnella ]

Parnella fell into Mother Ayurveda's lap in 2018 when she randomly decided to sign up for an Ayurveda foundations course to celebrate getting her first corporate bonus. That first class was the beginning of her unwavering studentship and exploration of Ayurveda and Yoga as sciences of life, beauty, love and nature. 

Studying these sister sciences have revealed the immense interconnectedness that keeps inspiring her. She feels like an estatic child running through a vast open field of knowledge and timeless beauty. Each realization and lesson feels like a golden key unlocking and simplifying the complexities of life and the universe. 

As an Ayurveda Practitioner, she provides therapeutic services to patients from all walks of life and facilitates Ayurveda & Yoga Therapy foundation classes at Union Yoga Ayurveda to curious students. 

At home, she's the proud dog mother of Faye, a 14 year old vivacious and sassy Singapore Special whom she claims to be more into Ayurveda than her 😂

Parnella truly believes that Ayurveda and Yoga are for everyone. Whatever your species, race, occupation, age - there is something for everyone because Ayurveda and Yoga are really gifts to the World from the Universe.


Enjoy this rich episode where we chat about Ayurveda, Yoga, burnout, rest, and Parnella's favourite Ayurvedic treatment ;)

  • How did Parnella fall into Mother Ayurveda's lap and became an Ayurvedic Practioner and Educator

  • Ayurveda and Yoga as sister sciences

  • Experiencing burnout and setting boundaries

  • The path of transformation

  • The natural laws of Universe

  • How to rest

  • The element of play

  • Parnella's spiritual childhood

  • Finding unshaken clarity

  • Parnella's favourite Ayurvedic treatment

  • What does it mean to Parnella to live a heart-centered life

  • What fills her cup these days

    Connect with Parnella

    From our hearts to yours,
    Anna and Candice

Website: ourheart.space
Instagram: @ourheart.space
Facebook: @heartspacesocial

Music: 'Solstice' & 'Castles in the Sky' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.


S2 Ep. 2 - Farewell to 2023: Wrapping Up The Year, Yogic Meditation, and 2024 Plans


S2 Ep. 0 - Welcome Back to Heart Space Podcast!