S2 Ep. 0 - Welcome Back to Heart Space Podcast!

For Beginners: Observing Peace From Within

🫧 Series 1 | November 4
Pratyahara (Withdrawal of senses)

🫧 Series 2 | November 18
Abhyasa (Practice as a path)

🫧 Series 3 | December 2
Vairagya (Detachment of result)

10:30AM - 11:30AM
At Meghalaya Shala

This is a three-part group practice to understand the purpose and technique of meditation (or seated contemplation practice) as a path of Yoga (self-realisation). The one-hour session includes sharing of yogic philosophy, pranayama (breath regulation practices), and a sit-down contemplation practice of So Hum Meditation.

With gentle guidance from your facilitators (Anna and Candice), a group practice can provide a safe space for exploration, support, and accountability. If you’re new to meditation or have been trying to keep up with your practice but lack consistency, this group practice is dedicated to creating a strong foundation for your growth.

Participants are encouraged to sign up for the full series to allow ample time for the practice to develop and mature. No prior experience is required. Simply arrive with an open mind to receive the practice, and be mindful that the practice requires continual effort to observe results. It is recommended that participants carve out 10 to 20 minutes daily to continue the practice of So Hum Meditation after attending a group class.

🫧 Option to join a single class or full series.
Get tickets


Welcome back to Heart Space Podcast! In this episode, we share about the upcoming podcast season, new offerings and how are we feeling navigating through it all. If you’re new here, welcome! If you’re a regular listener, we missed you and we’re happy you’re here with us today. 

Don't forget to share this podcast with someone who might resonate with our mission and message.

See you next episode for our first guest feature!

From our hearts to yours,
Anna and Candice

Website: ourheart.space
Instagram: @ourheart.space
Facebook: @heartspacesocial

Music: 'Solstice' & 'Castles in the Sky' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.


S2 Ep. 1 - A Heart-Centered Life with Ayurveda | Parnella Rayappan


S1 Ep. 4 - The Essence of Self Love: Embracing Compassion and Acceptance for the Self