S1 Ep. 4 - The Essence of Self Love: Embracing Compassion and Acceptance for the Self

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In the final episode of the season, join us as we delve into the profound topic of self-love, self-compassion, and self-acceptance.

In today's modern world, the true meaning of love is often misunderstood, leading many to believe that caring for oneself is a selfish act. Our conversation aims to demystify the concept of self-love and offers a heart-led approach to building a stronger relationship with ourselves while also caring for the world around us.

In this episode, we share:

  • How self-compassion and self-acceptance serve as the foundational blocks of self-love.

  • How self-love expands our ability to love others and hold more emotions.

  • How we can nourish and care for ourselves effectively.

  • Ayurvedic approach to self-care.

  • Benefits of daily Abhyanga, as explained in the ancient text Astanga Hrdayam.

  • How self-love manifests in our behavior.

  • Common self-sabotaging patterns that can hinder our journey toward self-love.

  • Our personal experiences and lessons in developing a greater sense of love for oneself.

In this episode, we shared this quote by Ayurvedic Doctor, Doctor Robert Svoboda, from his book Prakriti, Your Ayurvedic Constitution. He says:

“Our task on this imperfect planet is to work continuously towards relative perfection. The beginning of the word perfection is self-perfection. In the words of the song, “let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” Self-perfection requires self-peace, which begins with elimination of your physical, mental and emotional limitations. Understanding honesty, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion are your tools for self-development. Nature is forgiveness incarnate, and all healing comes from Nature.” 

We also spoke about the benefits of daily abhyanga, according to the Vedic texts.

ābhyaṅgamācarennityaṃ sa jarāśramavātahā

dṛṣṭiprasādapuṣṭyāyuḥ svapnasutvaktvadārḍhyakṛt //

- Astanga Hrdayam, Sutra Sthana, Chapter 2, Verse 8.


Whoever does abhyanga daily:

  • Jarā – ageing is reduced

  • Śrama – tiredness is reduced

  • Vāta – dosha is reduced

  • Dṛṣṭiprasāda – improves the clarity of vision and strengthens the eyes

  • puṣṭi – gives energy and nourishes dhatus

  • Ayu – prolongs age

  • Svapna – induces good sleep (When vata is pacified, you feel calm and grounded)

  • tvaktvadādhryakṛt – improves skin tone and complexion

As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this episode. And if you wish, share this podcast with someone who might be interested.

Chat again soon!

From our hearts to yours,
Anna & Candice


S2 Ep. 0 - Welcome Back to Heart Space Podcast!


S1 Ep. 3 - Divine Play: The Art Of Not Taking Life Too Seriously