We are Heart Space.

Heart is where the true essence of the Self resides.

Space offers the potential to honour the True Self.

When we soften our heads down to our hearts,

We bow down our intellect to meet our heart's wisdom.

When we surrender our ego,

We open up our Heart Space to receive and radiate love.

When we allow the potential for change,

We welcome joyful living and deep transformation.

Meet Anna

Anna is a yoga teacher and Ayurvedic Health Counsellor. She combines studies of traditional Hatha yoga with somatic movement, breathwork, and mindfulness for the modern day. Anna loves to share her passion for yoga and Ayurveda, and how these teachings help to calm, balance, and rejuvenate the body, while building mental resilience.

Meet Candice

Candice is an Ayurvedic Massage Therapist and Yoga Educator. In her people-centric vocation, she came to cherish the solitude and silence that meditation offers to develop honest intimacy with the self. To Candice, self-practice (Sadhana) and self-study (Svadhyaya) are two pillars that shape her version of a heart-centered life.

Pictured here: Anna (Left), Candice (Right)